The principles of preventive maintenance of "Induction Machine".


The principles of preventive maintenance of "Induction Machine".

The principles of preventive maintenance of "Induction Machine". How important is it to prolong the life of an induction machine?

        Preventive maintenance of machinery. It is taking care of the various parts of the machine so that there is the least chance of failure in the performance of that part. This preventive maintenance must ensure that the machine does not suddenly stop working while the machine is in operation. It also reduces disruptions during the production process and works with precision.

​         We will call it PM for short, machinery, planned maintenance. It is one of the forms of maintaining the condition of machines. It is planning to inspect, clean, repair or change various equipment. according to the specified time which is extremely necessary for every industrial factory Because in addition to helping to extend the life of the machine even more It also allows industrial factories to maintain the quality of the production process as efficiently as possible.

​         Machinery for hardening requires special maintenance. The production industry takes into account the productivity. If the machines stop working, it will also affect the production amount.

​         Therefore, there should be a plan for PMing machines for repair and maintenance work. Can be divided into 2 main types: divided by time (Time base) and divided by amount of use (Usage base)

1. Periodic PM plan
​         In setting the PM plan using time as a determinant and machine characteristics. which will be used to inspect the parts that are very important to the machine That part of the machine has a severe impact on the machine if a problem occurs if this part is damaged. It will affect the machinery and production of the factory. Therefore, planning must be done so that experts can go in and perform maintenance on the machines before the machines have problems.
​         For example, for hardening machinery, for example, assume 1 hardening machine in a period of 1 year, the hardening machine is in use for 6,570 hours, it is possible to set a time period to enter Inspect and clean equipment including various parts inside the machine. including measuring electronic components to meet standards, etc.

2. PM plan based on usage volume
​          In determining the PM plan based on usage characteristics, the PM plan determined according to actual usage in this way can be more clearly defined. To prevent damage to any part of the machine.
​         For example, for a hardening machine, for example, we will set a plan according to actual use that An expert must come in and inspect the machine after the machine has been used for 3,000 hours or every 6 months, etc.

          K.D. Heat Technology (Thailand) Company provides complete machinery maintenance services. We have a team of technicians who are specialized in repairing machines, installing, repairing, disassembling, assembling, including repairing various internal components. Therefore, if the machine is not maintained, it may affect the accuracy and precision standards of the machine. Therefore, there must be maintenance of machinery in the factory. Control work standards so that they can work accurately and reliably. There was no discrepancy. By maintaining machines, they should be inspected periodically. both daily, monthly and yearly

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